Millarworld announces new MENSTRUA #1!

Berlin, Die Zwiebeln

A tragedy for a young girl, an amulet granting seemingly limitless power–these are just a few of the surprises in store for readers when they pick up a copy of Mark Millar’s next big thing.

When 12-year-old Bryce Payne’s parents are shot outside a theatre along the streets of Cairo, her vacation–and her life- were changed forever.  Now, with her parent’s vast fortune and a magical amulet found inside an ancient pyramid, she battles against the forces of evil, injustice, and boys!

Without giving away too much, the creator stated the 5,000 year-old amulet houses the spirit of Princess Menstrua, the ancient leader of a group of female warriors who lived along the Nile thousands of years ago.  Upon her death at the hands of the evil Set, her soul was imprisoned inside a golden amulet crafted in the shape of a scarab beetle.  But, when the magic word, “Kazam!” is uttered while being bathed by the light of the moon, the amulet transforms the wearer into the superpowerful avatar of the heroine, Menstrua!

After reading the first issue, comic and TV writer extraordinaire Jeph Loeb was quoted as saying, “I wish I would have thought of it!  It’s just as fresh and original as any idea I’ve had in ages!”

The company promises this new title to be nothing like any comic you’ve ever read or seen before.  Its release coincides with another Millarworld original, Superior #1, part of Ultimate Comics new Tales of The SuperKreeMarvelCaptainman.


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